A loan is not something you typically shop around for, but if you do it can make a big difference and keep more money in your pocket.
Make sure you have the right loan solution in place.
Your Options
When shopping for a loan, you can:
- Go direct to a bank
- Use a finance broker, or
- Look on the net and try to do it yourself.
All of these options however generally fail to put YOU first and that means you miss out on the best offers.
At Bennett Wealth Group, we project manage your loan to ensure that you get sharp rates, the right product and dollars back in your pocket. We charge a fee for our service and offer the commission back to you.
How it works
Recently a client was looking to get strategy advice and see what we could do with their loans. We negotiated them $10,855 per year in interest rate savings and $5,350 per year through a repayment strategy, plus with a few smart strategies, we also saved them $20,490 on taxation, all through the finance strategy we prepared.
THEN we rebated the commission in full back to our client – so another $4,800 went back into their pocket.
That’s a total of $41,495 in value just from using Bennett Wealth Group.
If you want to shop around for your loan, try an alternative finance offering and discover people that are keen to work for YOUR best interests.
Contact us today to discuss your refinancing options.